He who possesses those three magical artifacts ...
Every time I learn something new about PowerShell, I feel stronger. There really is no end to the magic you can perform with it. I work with files, the Window registry, Active Directory, my MP3 collection, our table tennis calendar, and so much more.
Since I was appointed DBA in 2011, I've seen it as my mission to make the data entrusted to me more reliable, performant, secure and meaningful day by day.
From the beginning I was looking for ways to use my precious PowerShell while working with more and more SQL Servers. That has been going well for years, and got a real boost when I could join the dbatools project.
Since 2012 all forms of PowerBI and Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot and the likes complete the power of a data wizard.
I write about my work with PowerShell, SQL Server, Power BI and the conjunctions. I share some scripts or chunks of code I hope are useful to you. You'll find mostly cookbook style solutions in the PowerShell for the DBA section. I assure you that
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
as Aristotle already promised.