PowerShell, the one shell to rule them all!

The most powerful multitool in the world...

Microsoft's SQL Server!

When you own data...

PowerShell, SQL Server and Power BI, The Deathly Hallows of The Power DBA:

He who possesses those three magical artifacts ...

Every time I learn something new about PowerShell, I feel stronger. There really is no end to the magic you can perform with it. I work with files, the Window registry, Active Directory, my MP3 collection, our table tennis calendar, and so much more.

Since I was appointed DBA in 2011, I've seen it as my mission to make the data entrusted to me more reliable, performant, secure and meaningful day by day.
From the beginning I was looking for ways to use my precious PowerShell while working with more and more SQL Servers. That has been going well for years, and got a real boost when I could join the dbatools project.

Since 2012 all forms of PowerBI and Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot and the likes complete the power of a data wizard.

What you can find here

I write about my work with PowerShell, SQL Server, Power BI and the conjunctions. I share some scripts or chunks of code I hope are useful to you. You'll find mostly cookbook style solutions in the PowerShell for the DBA section. I assure you that

the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

as Aristotle already promised.


SQL Server
