In this article I show where regular expressions can appear in PowerShell. You probably know you can use a regexp in -match
, but there are some other interesting uses.
I did use some simple regular expressions now and then, but was recently confronted with a situation where it seemed the only option to solve a problem for a new dbatools function, and I wouldn't get there with my basic knowledge.
As first refuge, I turned to Bruce and Richard; Windows Powershell in Action, Third Edition and as expected, they had something to say about the subject. :-)
Coincidentally, I was pointed to Reuven M. Lerner's free regexp crash course by e-mail the next day, and decided to subscribe.
So I learned both regexp syntax and rules, and the PowerShell implementation of it.
In the E-book, Ctrl+F
kept spewing next results, so much that I decided to start with an overview of the uses of regexp in PowerShell before diving deeper into each case.
I will not explain the regexp syntax here.
Also, it's important to realise we don't need regexp as much as on UNIX command shell. But there are cases where regexp comes to the rescue, like when searching through text files, or handling the output of external commands, e.g. netstat, nslookup,...
Pattern matching operators
When matching an input string to a pattern, we have two well-known operators in PowerShell: -like
and -match
. With -like
we can only use wildcards and compose very simple patterns. In fact, behind the scenes those patterns are translated to regexp as well. But if we want something more complex, we have to turn to -match
, where we have the complete regexp gamma to our disposal.
We're talking not only -match
, but also all of these variations:
- -match
- -imatch
- -cmatch
- -notmatch
- -inotmatch
- -cnotmatch
where i stands for 'case insensitive' and c for 'case sensitive'.
You probably know the operators return $true
or $false
. But they also populate the $matches
variable, and that is very handy! Look at this random and totally useless example:
"This is just a sentence" -match '\s(\w(\w(\w)))'
Again, there are some variations:
- -split
- -isplit
- -csplit
"This is just a sentence" -split '\s'
With -replace
, or actually:
- -replace
- -ireplace
- -creplace
we can substitute matches with literals:
"This is just a sentence" -replace '\s','...'
regex type
The [regex]
type accelerator creates a .NET regular expression object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
match() method
This type of object has a .match()
split() method
... and also a .split()
Select-String -pattern
This is like grep
if you ever encountered that. The Select-String
cmdlet finds a -pattern
in text.
It has an -allmatches
switch to ... guess what :-)
Get-ChildItem D:\Myscripts -File -Recurse *.sql | Select-String -pattern "drop\s+[?(database|table|login)"
will get us all our sql scripts in which we drop a database, table or login.
The returned MatchInfo object holds the matching parts of the script text, and also the name of the file and the line number where the match was found.
param ValidatePattern
When defining parameters we can write a list of valid values in [ValidateSet]
, or set limits with [ValidateRange]
, but when we use [ValidatePattern]
we can demonstrate our regexp magic.
Downside is the error message that is quite hard to understand. So sometimes it's more convenient to use [ValidateScript]
where we can match to a regex as well, and write our own error messages.
switch statement -regex
In the switch
statement we have a -regex
parameter that we use when we want to write regex to match the inputobject to a condition. If the inputobject is not a string, this parameter is ignored.
This easy conditional counter shows I have more sql scripts than PowerShell scripts.
I'll come back at this very interesting topic in other articles. For now, if you'd like to learn more on yourself, see these sources of wisdom:
Get-Help about_Regular_Expressions
Microsoft Docs on Regular Expressions
Reuven M Lerner
Unicode Org
Windows Powershell in Action, Third Edition
To be continued
Hopefully this overview makes you feel a bit more familiar with the place of regexp in PowerShell. Of course there is a lot more to tell, and I will write some additional articles on some of the uses mentioned above.